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Favorit Hangul

Favorit Hangul

  • Light
  • Book
  • Regular
  • Medium
  • Bold

About Favorit Hangul

About this typeface


ABC Favorit Hangul is the most recent extension of our popular Favorit family, and supports the Korean language as spoken in South Korea, North Korea, the Chinese Jilin Province, the autonomous Korean Yanbian Prefecture, and the Korean Changbai County. The typeface was produced in close collaboration with Seoul-based Mingoo Yoon and recreates the formal idiosyncrasies of ABC Favorit—including its low contrast, tubular shapes, geometric construction, and subtle quirks—for the Hangul alphabet.

ABC Favorit Hangul is available in both Standard and Lining styles. We originally developed a Latin-based ABC Favorit Lining as we were tired of using design software’s thin and often awkward underline function. ABC Favorit Lining Hangul has its own unique underline built straight into it.

Supported Languages


Character Overview

Favorit Hangul In Use

Dinamo fonts Favorit Hangul 1 szin 0 for Track 1 dwismyeon

Track 1 뒷면. Design by Kwon Suzin

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Website, Jiwoo Moon. Design by OKOK Services

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Dinamo Favorit Hangul 183549811 814647529468331 1699408779290210500 n
Dinamo Favorit Hangul 184117117 216347409966063 7874350347374490093 n
Dinamo Favorit Hangul 183547738 299975584993359 6374805455187835933 n
Dinamo Favorit Hangul 183100154 498398318095655 2520271982315857115 n
Dinamo Favorit Hangul 183564597 3689241111198498 8778555871264792582 n
Dinamo Favorit Hangul 183467685 249350650310727 964624751905719513 n
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Dinamo Favorit Hangul 184224985 295279055482038 3010766448077318973 n

Suh Jihyoung: Shaking Lines. Design by Jin & Park, Jin Dallae and Park Woohyuk

David Ostrowski dansolbachstudio Diatype Typeface Favorit Hangul yoonmingoo leeahngallery spruethmagers
David Ostrowski dansolbachstudio Diatype Typeface Favorit Hangul yoonmingoo leeahngallery spruethmagers1

David Ostrowski: Menschen, Bilder, Emotionen. Design by Dan Solbach

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Train To Station. Design by Johnny Joo & Whale Park

Favorit Hangul Two Times Elliot Artec Pouch 12 CF
Favorit Hangul Two Times Elliot 2x E In Use IG Launch Ammends9
Favorit Hangul Two Times Elliot 2x E In Use IG Launch Ammends7
Favorit Hangul Two Times Elliot 2x E In Use IG Launch Ammends10
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Favorit Hangul Two Times Elliot Artec Carabiner 05

In Use. Design by Two Times Elliott