Type in Use

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Type in Use

Dinamo Radio80k Favorit 01
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Dinamo Radio80k Favorit 15
Dinamo Radio80k Favorit 10
Dinamo Radio80k Favorit 05
Dinamo Radio80k Favorit 18

Radio 80k at Favorit Bar, Munich. Design by André Schauer & Carina Güttler

Dinamo Whyte Figma identity
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Dinamo Whyte Figma office
Dinamo Whyte Figma website 1
Dinamo Whyte Figma Refresh Style Guide Illustration 2
Dinamo Whyte Figma conference
Dinamo Whyte Figma people
Dinamo Whyte Figma interface
Dinamo Whyte Figma overview
Dinamo Whyte Figma conference2
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Dinamo Whyte Figma merch
Dinamo Whyte Figma office space
Dinamo Whyte Figma animation config
Dinamo Whyte Figma zoomteamcall
Dinamo Whyte Figma website 3
Dinamo Whyte Figma website 2
Dinamo Whyte Figma typeface
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Figma. Design & photos by Figma

Thistles. Design by Matt Tsang

Signage at CA2M, Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo. Design by Murray Nuevas Cuentas

Foodculture Days. Design by Sarah Discours

David Ostrowski: Menschen, Bilder, Emotionen. Design by Dan Solbach

Slavs And Tatars Monograph. Design by Heimann + Schwantes

Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245227948 362739318916231 8123980107099903040 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245559130 303674597862522 3144284009223240516 n
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Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245120256 459966645341989 8750052712932988968 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 246488264 383800143427476 7252478111517994868 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 246695886 996673257576695 6376268367986733778 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 246029193 1279739849133387 2261505652161934012 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 242132064 409616093865442 6356424469792262997 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245232982 4323166834447223 8550563583007769194 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245119268 285771606538390 6782925056074396347 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245075303 424044719281828 4142960281395764181 n
Dinamo Monument Grotesk 245036143 408878727418245 8202751600398983284 n
Monument Grotesk

OFFTA Festival. Identity by Supersystème

Perrrformat. Design by HOMI & Silvan Possa

The Culture Podcast. Design by U-P

Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 3
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Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 2
Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 4
Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 5
Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 6
Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 8
Dinamo Ginto Winter Nights TERMSOFSERVICE 1

Winter Nights Festival. Design by Termsofservice

The Distance From Here exhibition at Jameel Arts Centre. Design by Sarah Chehab, waiwai design

Ping Pong. Design by Ollie Schaich Studio

Track 1 뒷면. Design by Kwon Suzin

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Dinamo Oracle 245977528 1007091343184453 570098859579399680 n
Dinamo Oracle 246580831 4443368595739416 7109453628025296065 n
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Dinamo Oracle mr friendship frankie casillo 005 1152x1152
Dinamo Oracle 236435754 916025018991296 5248278988071565375 n
Dinamo Oracle 241960917 113634427722983 2297468730014165985 n
Dinamo Oracle mr friendship frankie casillo 003 1152x1152
Dinamo Oracle 272082268 140613241704702 4669281908426085043 n
Dinamo Oracle 275447762 764070664981844 4047555484220991663 n

Metabolic Rift, Berlin Atonal. Design by ZAK Group

La Biennale di Venezia: Fabrik. Design by Pascal Storz, Fabian Bremer, Helmut Völter, Nicola Reiter

Kunsthal Extra City. Identity by Ward Heirwegh

Bad News, Wiesbaden Biennale. Design by Fons Hickmann M23

Train To Station. Design by Johnny Joo & Whale Park

Dinamo Grow 000 Black Orange 2100x
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Dinamo Grow TTT straps milanese silver 02 2100x
Dinamo Grow thearsenale anicorn all 01 2100x
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Dinamo Grow thearsenale anicorn all 09 900x
Dinamo Grow anicorn 000 blue 02 900x

Anicorn Watches.

She Thinx. Photos by Joakim Jansson

Alpina Huus. Design by Dan Solbach Studio

No Rights Reserved. Design by Jincheng Shi

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Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 06
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 07
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 03
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 08
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 12
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 10
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 04
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 15
Dinamo Favorit BSD Web LM2020 17

Luminale. Design by Sandra Doeller. Video by Timo Lenzen

Leaves – Adriaan De Roover. Designed by Ward Heirwegh

Another 01. Design by local.remote

Pangaia, Sustainable Clothing

Helveesti 5
Helveesti 4
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Helveesti 2
Helveesti 3

Spark Journal Issue 4. Publication by Utkan Dora Öncül

Separated-Separados initiated by Shira-Inbar. Design by Raoul Gottschling

If you have a great application of our typefaces, please send it to tina@abcdinamo.com. To be featured, we need:

  • High res photographs or videos—the format doesn’t matter
  • Images of and around the final object itself and
  • featuring the people involved
  • Photographs of the event or context it was designed for
  • Insight into its production, proofing colours, mounting, etc.
    Thank you ✨