Variable Wordmark
Patreon called on us to design a variable logo and font customization for its 2023 identity overhaul. We paired oozing, uppercase softness with ABC Oracle for all things text. Check out the full case study below👇🏼
Adaptive Wordmark
Using variable technology and our own Oracle as a base font, our dynamic wordmark shifts in density and softness depending on its context.
The Patreon team described the concept behind our direction beautifully: “We set out to craft a wordmark that complements creators, rather than competing with them.
Notice how different wordmark densities are used on a digital poster vs. the mobile app
“By leveraging variable digital typefaces, the logo can morph from a more medium-density form for spaces when we need to cut through the noise, to a thinner, lighter-density manifestation that allows us to get out of the way and put creators in the spotlight.”
The roundedness of our design gestures to Patreon’s ever-morphing P-shaped logomark, developed by Wolff Olins in collaboration with the in-house team.
The wordmark is based on our own Oracle typeface, which Patreon uses as its brand font. The wordmark therefore ties together the platform’s text and logo through its variable spectrum:
Oracle body copy to variable softness to shape-shifter logo
Bespoke Settings
We created two versions of the Variable Wordmark, given that the design team uses it in two very different contexts.
The first version flexes in weight and width and is ideal for more space friendly situations. The second flexes weight and not width; it’s intended for whenever the wordmark is used within body copy.
Brand Typeface
Patreon uses Oracle for its body copy, tying it together seamlessly with the wordmark.
The face feels subtle and contemporary with its classic geometry; it’s robust but doesn’t demand too much attention.
Dinamo team: Johannes Breyer, Arnaud Chemin, Ethan Cohen, Madeleine Morley, Fabian Harb
Patreon team: Doug Richard, Jack Conte, Julian Gutman, Jessica Staley, Alexis Hain, Jen Dunham, Jason Csizmadi
Logomark: Wolff Olins