The future of security with AI is one of the things that troubles me the most. Earlier this year, 23andMe had a large security hack, which led to the bio data of over seven million people being captured and sold. If, for example, health insurance companies in the US had access to this, they could raise premiums on people depending on their predisposition for certain conditions as shown in their genetic makeup, which is quite sinister. I think internet security and hacking is about to truly pop off, and we’re in for a hell of a ride.
With all of the above taken into account, according to my own principles, the only option I have left is to try to change the situation.*
I have another set of principles in my life that I developed around the same time as the previous ones (I told you, I like systems). These are three guiding keywords for how I like to approach “changing the situation”. These keywords are simplicity, efficiency, and purposefulness.
In an attempt to be purposeful and efficient when addressing these issues, I have decided to stay true to my overarching career as a slasher and pivot to this new step in my career and (try to) change the situation. I don’t know what opportunities will be open to me when I graduate, but I want to at least educate myself and help disperse that knowledge into our community.
AI is going to continue to develop whether we like it or not, so we may as well try to learn about it and do our best to shape it together, in a way that is both human-centered and sustainable.
*Author’s note: To not use one of the aforementioned guidelines is to allow myself to reside in what I call “purgatory”. I define “purgatory” as a situation where something is uncategorizable in my head and lives in a state of ambiguity — where I am in a state of unrest or without peace, but without a way to move forward. Employing one of the above methods gives me a feeling of agency and the ability to dissolve that tension within myself and leave said purgatory.